Village Savings and Loan Association


This is a project funded by partner organization Team Hope Ireland. This project consists of improving the living conditions of the population of residents of the Rutegama zone in the Gitega province and commune: It is based on savings and credit practices in households. Currently, the project covers 6 hills in the Rutegama area MUGUTU, HIGIRO, RUTEGAMA, MAHONDA, NYAKIBINGO, IROHE. 33 groups, each of which contains between 25 and 30 people, have already been created. Training of trainers on the different savings and credit modules and the establishment of savings and credit groups for the benefit of the community. The implementation of the project impacted the strengthening of cash transfers for access to livelihood finance and entrepreneurship in order to achieve outcomes such as food security and household well-being, increasing the use of savings, access to basic social services, access to loans, savings capacity, the engagement of households in income-generating activities, the start-up of their businesses with Large-scale project assistance, increased household income and, possibly, VSLA membership in intervention households is very beneficial.