It is a project funded by the Protestant Solidarity of Belgium in 2017. It aims to improve the well-being of the population in the commune of Gitega, particularly women and children under 5 years old, massive awareness activities on the hills and home visits to households were carried out through the direct involvement of health providers commonly called COSAs, in order to raise awareness among women and children to make curative consultations (medical consultations; Consultation Post-Partum), others share preventive consultations such as (Prenatal Consultations, Family Planning and vaccination for 0 to 23 months). Also, culinary workshops to prevent deficiency diseases in children under 5 years old were organized; without forgetting the discussions on SRH topics planned monthly for women and girls. The impact of the said project was the reduction in the rate of maternal, infant and neonatal morbidity and mortality in this ARM Burundi intervention area.